Friday, February 29, 2008

Pamela Anderson Seal Hunting UPDATE!

Remember when Ecorazzi told you about Pamela Anderson’s speech protesting seal hunting in Canada? Well yesterday afternoon Pamela blogged about it on her website, She said:

“Ms Bardot asked me to represent her in her annual press conference at her foundation”s headquarter by Eiffle Tower- in her and my plea to ban the seal hunt in Canada (coming again soon)- It was an amazing crowd-full of sympathy- I saw tears (even papperazzi) when I played footage of the baby seals being beaten and sometimes skinned alive in this barbaric-cash bonus for the fisheries.

Brigitte Bardot called me on speaker phone at press conference expressing her gratitude for all the work I do for animals- she called me her “daughter” , “a continuation of her” I almost fell over-. -I’ve always loved her- she is truly my favorite -beyond her beauty- she has done so much for animals- and has taken her beauty and attention to whole other level- your heart never ends– and beauty continues when your heart is sweet…She is still Gorgeous! …She is an inspiration- and I thank her again and again for everything she’s done–and i will continue and encourage others to continue the fight for animals everywhere.”

Like it or not, this chick’s totally got it!

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